Kaewon VS YoungJung

계원 vs 용정 플레이!

계원이형과 이용정교수님이 스크래치속에서 자웅을 겨룹니다.

디스의 달인 계원 vs 과제내기의 달인 용정

과연 그 승자는 누구!?

– How to Play!

화살표 키로 계원이형을 컨트롤하여 용정교수님의 과제와 교수님 접근을 피해 도망쳐야 합니다! 용정교수님의 공격에 닿으면 계원이형의 에너지가 감소합니다.

스페이스 바를 누르면 계원이형이 “디스” 미사일을 발사합니다. 디스를 당한 교수님은 디스를 이해 못하거나 빵 터짐으로 인해 에너지가 감소합니다.

계원이형과 이용정 교수님의 게임 시작시 에너지는 100입니다.

상대의 에너지를 먼저 0 이하로 만드는 편이 게임에서 승리합니다!

Old man’s wish


The storyline is hommage from Planescape: Torment (1999)
Planescape: Torment is a role-playing video game developed for Microsoft

Windows by Black Isle Studios and released on December 12, 1999

Image list
– Evil Witch character design by Jorge Pepelife
– Poster from Beware the night
– DSC The Old Witch by PioPauloSantana
– Logo for East Coast Pentagrams (train operating company)
– Im watching you guys by NakiraDesu
– Halloween witches created by JoyOfLife
– Lost Memories by Teel McClanahan III
– Old Hands And Tired Feet Painting by Cameron Hampton
– Old man in chair by George Eross Paintings and Sculptures
– Self portrait of Pablo picasso
– Old man drawing from MDE-ART.COM
– Praying hands from unknown creator
– The witch screenshot from brothers grimm movie
– Old Man with Flowing Beard, Looking down Left from Rembrandt
– Old Man in chaos from NC winter’s 100 drawings
– Evil Witch by Sven Geruschkat

sound trak list
– True from Silent Hill
– Purple city background sound track from Pokemon GBA (remix ver)
– Background sound track from SLENDER MAN
– Background sound track from Dementium for nintendo DS

images are from diffrent artist
and sound track is also limited in 30 sec

My English debate club in SKKU!

[English debate club in SKKU!]

Click this link for listen!!

With this podcast, i want to introduce my English debate club in SKKU.

So, it’s not just for podcast task. i am really willing to invite more people in this club.

There is limit for accepting new members so hurry up and sign up!

following text is for reference music i used for editing.

1. Creative Commons Music

by Fastmancz is licensed under a  Creative Commons Licence Attribution 3.0

Creative Commons License

2. A Time for Us (piano solo) Romeo and Juliet soundtrack Nino Rota

by Klem Lamberti is licensed under a  Creative Commons Licence Attribution 3.0

Creative Commons License

3. 2013-04-11-piano

by Micah Ellison is licensed under a  Creative Commons Licence Attribution 3.0

Creative Commons License

Intro – DaewoongMoon

Hello, this is Daewoong Moon from group 4.

I was born in 1988, a 3rd grader in this university. I delivered a presentation at Week2, RSS class, and I initiated this wordpress blog. I live at one room which is located in near SKKU lib.

I am a vice president of LIS academic society and running English debate club as well.

My major is LIS (librarian and information science), my minor is FTM (Film, TV and Multimedia), and I am a game designer.

my hobbies are watching English TV series, playing computer game, and karaoke.

I have been engaged in game development since 17, 2011,and I have published my first commercial game, which is a smart phone game called ‘Lich Defense’- you guys can download it from android and apple


<this is my pic with my co-worker who developed “lich defense”>


< the screenshot of my first game >

I am interested in developing digital contents, and learning new technologies about media. I love all kinds of media, and I wish i can contribute to media in the future, as a contents developer.

I am pleased to meet you all; you guys can study with me or have coffee with me at the decent place, but we can also drink a lot and go crazy outside of the class. I hope we can share ideas and encourage each other’s creativity.

This is my facebook http://www.facebook.com/daewoong.moon.71

and 010-3384-8994 is my phone number