Million lightbulbs make trees grow – Library Based Education

Prezi: Million Lightbulbs Make Trees Grow

Intended audience and Instructional goal:
This Prezi is for students(at least middle school, to highschool), and my goal is have orientation with them about information literacy based on library.

Description: This Prezi is about library based education. First, I introduce about library.
Second, I mention 21st century’s characteristic, but the value of book is exist.
Third, what we need to turn the light up, and fourth, some examples what we can do.
Last, when we reach to the top of tree, I conclude my Prezi with quotes from Alberto Manguel. May the LIBRARY be with you!

8 thoughts on “Million lightbulbs make trees grow – Library Based Education

  1. At first, the big picture shows the path going into detail was impressive. Your work has been included in the video and the images are closely related to the subject looked. Two factors on the audience you’re saying seems to fit. However, back part of the way a bit dizzy… because that path was round and round…! Some parts expand when written as a background image broken. But the message of your work related to cute backgrounds, fonts and blends. good. Thank you!

    • Thanks for watching 🙂 When I make this prezi, the music, Round-round song was going on. continuously. So, the music have the fault to little dizzy way. But I like it, round-round things. And.. broken image.. is what I can’t fix. Sorry.

  2. Nice Prezi! I can see that this would took a lot of time and effort to make it. First, I noticed was layout of prezi was 4:3. If viewer is using 4:3 ratio, it would be no problem. However, if viewer is using 16:9 ratio, left and right side of Prezi is cut out making bit stuffy. (Wasn’t there automatic option?) Second, the background image was very nice. It encapsulate overall message very well. However, I would been nice if title and 3 yellow circles were added inside of tree. Making viewers more focused on tree, maybe? Third, the use of appearing effect was carried out very well. (Owww… my laziness.) Also, text inside text lay out was very effective. I see you tried to make the Prezi as fun as possible. Nice. I think this would be very effective if you use it in real life situation. Way to go!

    • Oh! you got them! Yes, the frame is 4:3. I noticed that lately. and I had not enough time to fix all. That’s.. one fault. And yellow circles.. I don’t want them to mess the all. If that was in the tree.. well.. I choose to have no risks. Thanks to watching! (real-life situation.. thanks for advice.)

  3. Overall, Excellent. The length of the prezi is good. The theme and the way you depicts your topic seems very creative. The best part that i am impressed with is your metaphoric expression of tree. The way librarians work and the effect from that is very well-depicted by your analogy of big tree. But the thing is that (even if it’s interesting) your video clips made me confusing. it made me think … oh what the hell he is talking about ;… and i had to turn down the volume as it suddenly starts with loud digital music. Plus i suppose it would’ve been better if you put more images with your font or make it more colorful ’cause i guess your intended audience would be young people, right? Anyway, your work is way better than others i guess. It’s very informative and also interesting. Excellent.

    • Oh.. I didn’t think about the color! Thanks for advise! ^^
      And the video is for example of bad use. I want to say ‘please respect others’, in other word, ‘please be silent’. But nowadays I have some interest to ‘noisy library’. So I was hesitate to tuse that video.. but I use. Because this is for the school library. School library need to give common experience about the library to students.

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