Crowd Funding

Crowd Funding


This scratch project tells the ‘Crowd Funding’ as a friend you do not have the money does not move to run, but I think the college film club Film Festival project, made ​​to look for the meaning of Crowd Funding. Use the built-in sound effects scratch every time the middle of a conversation in the program. I put back flash video an introduction to the crowd-funding as part of the text.

Unless any conditions you also have a good project to run through social funding can be sponsored. I hope a lot of interest in this platform. Wait for your participation:-)

“Crowd Funding describes the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their money, usually via the Internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. Crowdfunding is used in support of a wide variety of activities, including disaster relief, citizen journalism, support of artists by fans, political campaigns, startup company funding, motion picture promotion, free software development, inventions development, scientific research, and civic projects.”

Like you think you want to make a movie, it can be supported through the crowd-funding site. If your project is for, to support the amount of people who are not. The crowd-funding, however, is not a donation.You got to give the appropriate compensation there!

I want to some Crowd Funding site for you!

Famous foreign funding Site

Culture and Arts

Social lending services

Social movements sponsored

3 thoughts on “Crowd Funding

  1. I like Tumblbug. In there, ideas are sparking! But, honestly, I hadn’t funded to them. It is.. little burden. I always feel envy to sponsers! However the problem is from me. I always feel lack of money. It always make me fear to do something! I need to find stability to me.
    Anyway, the use of 1~5 key is great! If I want, I can go back to that scene!

    • Good rating, thank you. Like you said, I like Tumblbug! This site is my favorite web site!!! But, It is financial burden to me… Anyway, with the help of my little project to be successful, and also minor rewards they give me great pleasure to give. A lot of people to know the value of crowd funding.
      In fact, a lot of difficulties while this project, making the the scratch work associated liquidity sensed(?) was really hard. Move on to the next page, press the number key system was worried about being uncomfortable… but, thank you for letting me feel good!

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