Intro – jae-hyun Han

Hi, everyone.

My major is library & information science. I work in College of Liberal Arts students’ union, academy department. I also act in human right academy, “Movement of Re Writing Human Rights” .

My second major is history. I really love it, so I want to go to graduate school for studying Marx & Annales history.

I enjoy and interest in many hobbies, such as baking, cooking, playing piano, writing, reading and musical and so on.

1. students’ union


This is logo of students’ union, MUNWALK means that walk with our College of Liberal students. I’m in academy department manager, it is so hard to me, but I love it ^^

2. Human Rights Academy



This is our academy’s film festival promotion materials! I have attention at Human Rights after first grade. Film festival is done on Thursday, I learn about people’s thinking about human rights.

3. My Library

2011-07-04 15.39.01

Here is my library, my favorite place which is piano, computer and books about 1100. When I’m High-school student, I want to be a librarian, so i arranged this room according to own classification.

My facebook page is

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